Re: Reply vs new note Jean M. Murphy 13 May 2004 12:06 EST

 Good advise and I did do as you suggested and only replied to Chuck.
But I don't like the idea of setting up the list so that replies only go
to the original sender of the message.  I read many replies to questions
others have posed and learn the most from those.

Research Administration Discussion List <xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG> writes:
>At the risk of being impertinent, I implore you NOT to "reply" to
>messages like Chuck's because the "reply" goes to the entire list.
>Instead, you can send the person a "private" note by copying the sender's
>address from the header information and pasting it into a new e-mail
>As an aside, I wonder if the list owners can set up the list so that
>replies go only to the original sender and not the list; and those who
>want to send to the entire list would then need to begin a new message.

Jean M. Murphy
Director of Pre-Award Services
Wellesley Centers for Women
E-mail:      Phone:  781-283-2508     Fax:

Wellesley College, Cheever House, 106 Central Street, Wellesley, MA  02481

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