Re: Open-source software for research admin? Richard H Moore 16 Sep 2003 13:42 EST

On 4 Sep 2003 at 15:14, Dolce, Peter J wrote:

> Again, we use Mcrosoft Access. With the help of an instruction book and diskette, it took another
> employee and me8-10 hours, starting from scratch, to learn enough to construct a data base that
> includes application and award info, IACUC and IRB histories, subcontracting info and lists of
> faculty publications. We have about $25 million in research grants. Works like a charm, though
> the people entering data need a better understanding of how data bases work than may be
> needed by a proprietary software.

Peter - do you recall which book & CD there are many and some
aren't very good (in my opinion).


 Dr. Richard H. Moore
 Assistant Vice President for Grants and Sponsored Research
Coastal Carolina University           Internet:
P.O. Box 261954                          Voice: 843-349-2050
Conway SC 29528-6054                       FAX: 843-349-2726

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