Grant tracking software Amy Hibbard 02 Sep 2003 14:31 EST

Hello all-
We've recently been considering purchasing software to help with grant tracking, and I was hoping I could pick your brains for a short list of good products.  I've looked into a few, but the demo can only show you so much.  We're a small school, so we don't need the luxury package, but something that would allow expense tracking and perhaps keep track of subcontract invoices and reporting dates would make my life less stressful.

Thanks for the use of your brains,

PS - If you have a tracking software cautionary tale, that would help, too. AH

Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what no one else has thought.
-Albert von Nagyrapolt

Amy Hibbard
Grants Administrator
Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences
535 Watson Drive, Claremont, CA 91711
T: (909) 607-9313 / 607-7855
F: (909) 607-8086

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