Compensation for Compliance Committee Chairs Valrey Kettner 28 Aug 2003 13:17 EST

Dear Listserv Members,

We are curious as to how other Universities base the level and the criteria
you would use to determine compensation for the chairs of your compliance
committees (IRB, IACUC, IBC and others)? Is there a set criteria that each
of you have used and if so what would that be based upon? Our experience is
that it is based on workload related to the institution in question. Some
have compensated their chairs by giving a summer month or course buy out,
etc. Others cite overload compensation. It would be in our interest to
gather an opinion through the listserv so that we are better prepared to
offer compensation when requested through our office.

Thanks for your replies!

Val Kettner
Assistant Vice President
Sponsored Programs Administration

Pierre Freeman and Teri Grosz
Research Compliance and Training Officers

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