Institutional Core Facilities Gerald Goldberger 06 Aug 2003 13:58 EST


I have a question regarding the administration of  university core
facilities (e.g.; a Biotech Facility).  Are your institution's core
facilities administered through your  university reporting to the
VP/Dean/Provost  for Research or are they administered through a direct
support organization like your university's research corporation or
foundation which are 501c3 tax exempt organizations.  What are the
advantages or disadvantages of each scenario.

I appreciate your input on this matter. Please email me directly at the
address below.



Gerald N. Goldberger, Ph.D                        (}__{)
Director, Sponsored Research                       (oo)
Florida Atlantic University              -----oOo--=\/=--oOo-----
3731 FAU Blvd
Boca Raton, FL 33431
561/297-2312 (O)
561/297-2319 (Fax)

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