NIH Publication Guidelines for Clinical Trials Davis, Scott (HSC) 07 Jul 2003 13:51 EST

Good Afternoon Group,

I am trying to find the following or similar language on the NIH website regarding publications for NIH sponsored clinical trials.  If anyone can provide me with a link it would be greatly appreciated.

Prior to submission for publication of any manuscript, poster, presentation, abstract or other written or oral material describing the results of the Study, the Institution and/or the Principal Investigator shall provide NIH 45 days to review a manuscript. . .  In the event there is no multi-center publication within 12 months after the Study has been completed or terminated at all Study sites, data has been received and analyzed by NIH, and all queries have been resolved, Institution shall have the right to publish its results from the Study. . .



Scott Davis, CRA
Sponsored Programs Administrator
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Tel  405.271.2090
Fax 405.271.8651

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