Re: Dual PI appointment Sherry Wilder-Ramirez 24 Mar 2003 15:56 EST
I encountered one where the PI on the prime at another institution subcontracted
the  training component of a NIH grant to our institution and came to oversee
the project.  We named another University Faculty member as CO-PI with her and
she participated in an advisory capacity as a Research Faculty (salary solely
supported by research funding) only drawing salary from the prime award and it's
institution.  The whole concept made my stomach queasy, but NIH went with it.


Jon Elizabeth Hart wrote:

> The only time we've run into this when we couldn't head it off was when one
> of our investigators had an NIH grant and then went on sabbatical in
> another country.  He intended to continue the research at that visiting
> institution, as well as have his lab here continue some of their work.  He
> wanted to fashion a subcontract to himself at this temporary
> institution.  NIH OK'd that, but required him to name an investigator at
> the home lab who would be in charge in his absence.
> Otherwise, if an investigator is not a paid employee of our university,
> he/she cannot be a PI on an application.  From our point of view, if the
> person is not an employee, we really don't have any control over his/her
> actions re: compliance.
> Don't know if this helps --
> Joni
> At 02:33 PM 3/24/03 -0500, you wrote:
> >Many faculty members have appointments at more than one institution (a
> >university and a hospital, for example).  Generally, they are paid
> >exclusively from one of the sources, but maintain an appointment with
> >both.  What are your thoughts on him/her serving as PI of both a prime
> >grant and a subcontract under that same prime.  This brings to mind
> >potential issues (certification of effort, conflict of interest, etc).  I
> >haven't found any particular regulations which specifically identify or
> >prohibit this arrangement, and would be interested in hearing how different
> >institutions handle this.
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >
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> Jon Hart, Senior Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
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Sherry Wilder-Ramirez
Research Services Coordinator
Office of Research Services
The George Washington University
voice: 202.994-5494
fax:   202.994.5606

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