Re: Question: How do you handle proposal overload? William Campbell 31 Jan 2003 11:59 EST

Elsa, thanks for your thoughtful response.  I don't disagree with you, in fact I've answered that question the same way you do.  And at least one of the provost's I've worked for agreed, for exactly the same reasons.

However, I can't forget the charge made by the provost who hired me, lo these many years ago: 'You understand that we won't be able to continue your position unless the amount of grants awarded increases substantially.'  I did and do understand.  Over the years I've contributed a lot to the university, including millions in grants (I'm an unusual Grants Officer in that I write lots of proposals for the institution), so I feel quite secure.  But I also understand the bottom line--if the grants office doesn't help us increase grant dollars, it will be gone.

Thanks and regards, Bill

Bill Campbell
Director, Grants & Research
University of Wisconsin-River Falls

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