Re: Fwd: Re: [RESADM-L] GSchmidt 11 Aug 2002 01:42 EST

Wow!  I thought I was the only one who read that book.  I wish I had him
sign it when I was at PU.  It still has good stuff in it!


Herbert B. Chermside wrote:

> As an old timer, I recognize that Ray Woodrow had it right:
> Management FOR Research!
> Woodrow, Raymond J., "Management for Research in U. S. Universities".
> NACUBO, Washington, D.C., 1978
> Chuck
> At 02:20 PM 8/5/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>> Jim is right, as usual.  We really don't need a definition of the
>> field as much as a reasonable name for what we do, since we do what
>> our organizations need for us to do..  That reasonable descriptive
>> name has been a stumper for about 50 years.
>> Spanky
>>> Date: Mon, 05 Aug 2002 12:20:32 -0700
>>> From: "James R. Brett" <xxxxxx@CSULB.EDU>
>>> Subject: Re: [RESADM-L]
>>> Sender: Research Administration List <>
>>> To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
>>> Reply-to: Research Administration Discussion List <>
>>> Organization: California State University,
>>>  Long Beach -- Office of University Research
>>> X-Accept-Language: en
>>> ?Sometimes someone in an institution will get all distraught about the
>>> expression Research Administrator. It is obvious to us that Research
>>> Administrators do not administer research, but the term sometimes seems
>>> like an oxymoron to people with an axe to grind.
>>> Research administrators provide services, information,
>>> interpretation, and
>>> personal and career counseling over a wide range of activities to other
>>> concerned people (including students, faculty, other administrators,
>>> agency program officers, auditors, the press, and politicians) in the
>>> various interfaces between the institutional researcher and the rest of
>>> the world. The reason we do not call ourselves Research Service,
>>> Information, Interpretation, and Counselling Administrators is
>>> because the
>>> term is decidedly awkward and would drastically change the names of our
>>> two main professional organizations.
>>> The reason we have Research Administrators is because researchers
>>> (and the
>>> people they typically encounter) are often much too involved in
>>> their own
>>> specialties to become adequate in (enough of) these interface areas
>>> to be
>>> successful.  Persons in our profession must be competent or
>>> knowledgable
>>> in accountancy, law, government, politics, and general interpersonal
>>> relations, not to mention being able to intelligently discuss what
>>> research is actually about over a range of disciplines, sometimes
>>> needing
>>> to understand thoroughly several cognate disciplines and sometimes to
>>> understand the research in layman's terms in over a hundred
>>> disciplines.
>>> Jim
>>> Mike McCallister wrote:
>>>>  This thing about research administration being about IP?  That
>>>>  completely misses the point (Sorry Charlie).  IP is a small tail
>>>>  wagging a big dog right now and is used so much the term has lost
>>>>  currency.  IP happens within research, sometimes.  It is almost
>>>>  serendipitous.  It certainly is not as big a deal as some want it to
>>>>  be, not yet.
>>>>  So what's RA?  What did you tell your Mom you do at work?  That's
>>>>  what it is.  It's what needs to be done for our researchers and
>>>>  faculty  to create new knowledge, solve problems, grow themselves,
>>>>  even save the world, maybe.  But most of all what we do is help those
>>>>  who can to do because what they do is, by and large, important to
>>>>  society.
>>>>  Spanky
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>>>>  ======================================================================
>>> --
>>> James R. Brett, Ph.D., Director,
>>> Office of University Research
>>> California State University, Long Beach
>>> 562-985-5314  562-985-8665 fax
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>>> ======================================================================
>> --
>> Mike McCallister, Ph. D.
>>  Director, Research and Sponsored Programs
>> University of Arkansas at Little Rock
>> 2801 South University
>> Little Rock, AR 72204-1099
>> (v) 501-569-8474
>> (f) 501-371-7614
>> (c) 501-590-5609
>> "The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new
>> discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I've found it!), but 'That's funny...'"
>>  ~ Isaac Asimov
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>> ======================================================================
> Herbert B. Chermside, CRA
> Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
> Virginia Commonwealth University
> PO BOX 980568
> Richmond, VA  23298-0568
> Express Delivery Only:
>        Sanger Hall, Rm. 1-032A
>        11th & Marshall Streets
>        Richmond, VA  23219
> Voice:  804-828-6772
> Fax     804-828-2521
> OFFICE e-mail   xxxxxx@VCU.EDU
> Personal e-mail
> ======================================================================
> Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
> subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
> via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")
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 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
 via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")