Re: Web Tutorial "Grantsmanship 101" F. John Case 27 Jun 2002 15:38 EST


Related to your question (not a campus-based training program though),
yesterday the NCURA membership received the announcement of the first
video-conference for our 2002-2003 series.  The theme this year is "Back to
Basics" - all the sessions will be devoted to new research administrator in the
departments and central administration.  The first one is described below
(Post-Award for the Departmental Administrator - website -, the next two are being
finalized.  Those sessions will be related to "Circular A-110 for the
Departmental Administrator" and "Pre-Award Administration Overview."  As
always, all the NCURA video-conference training series (past) tapes are
available via the NCURA website.

Also, NCURA Fundamentals for Sponsored Project Administration workshops are
available nationally and the Campus-based team can come on-site to
institutions.  More information is available at the NCURA website.  The website
is located at:

I hope this helps - John
What Departmental Administrators Need to Know About Post-Award and Cost
September 24, 2002
NCURA's new Video Workshop - Broadcast Live

As NCURA begins another year of live satellite broadcasts we've drawn from
our success of the small workshop format and incorporated it into a
broadcast opportunity. NCURA will hold its first live satellite video
workshop on September 24, 2002 from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm Eastern time. "What
Departmental Administrators Need to Know about Post-award and Cost
Analysis," with John Case, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Office of
Contracts and Grants, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and
Elizabeth Mora, Director, Sponsored Research, Harvard University.

The broadcast will focus on understanding the symbiotic relationship between
departments and post-award offices. This "back to basics" program will be
taught in a workshop setting with participants both in studio and on campus.
This workshop, first taught at NCURA's FRA II conference, received
outstanding evaluations from those who attended:

"Excellent overview of a wide range of topics, each of which could take a
full day's workshop"
"Both John Case and Beth Mora are excellent speakers and certainly have
extensive expertise to draw from."
"One of the best sessions I've been to in a while!"

The registration fee is $700 per campus and includes handout materials,
satellite coordinates to receive the show live on your campus, a toll free
number to call in or fax questions on the day of the broadcast, and a
license to tape the workshop for future on campus trainings.

For a complete description and registration form, visit

If you plan to be in Washington, DC on September 24th and would like to
participate in the studio workshop free of charge, please contact NCURA at
202-466-3894 or e-mail

Jon Elizabeth Hart wrote:

> Colleagues,
> We at Rockefeller are hoping to create an on-line tutorial covering
> "Grantsmanship 101" for departmental administrators/secretaries and new
> faculty.  If any of you have created such a program and would like to share
> the web address, it would be very helpful to us to see what other
> institutions have created.
> Thank you!  My private e-mail is listed below should you not wish to reply
> to the List.
> Joni.
> Jon Hart, Senior Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
> The Rockefeller University
> 1230 York Ave.-Box 82, NY, NY 10021-6399
> tel:  (212) 327-8054; fax:  (212) 327-8400
> e-mail:
> ======================================================================
>  Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
>  subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
>  via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")
> ======================================================================

F. John Case
Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Office of Sponsored Research
CB #1350, 440 W. Franklin Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1350
(919) 966-2542
(919) 962-3352 (fax)

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
 via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")