Re: IRB Listserv Elisa Espinoza Fallows 20 Feb 2002 13:07 EST

I'm needing some input, please.  We have a new director for our dept on campus who hasn't worked too much with grants.  It's been common knowledge under the previous director that there has been double dipping in regards to space cost by the university but for whatever reason, he chose not to pursue it too much.  When we do our annual space inventory, we have square footage that is dedicated for sponsored research within our department.  The university keeps money out of the indirects for space related cost.  Then we (the dept) also pay the university for square footage assigned to the dept.  This includes square footage dedicated to research.

Because of a reduction in budget dollars, we now need to go after every dollar and our new director is going to pursue this issue immediately.  We've been able to piece together how much we paid last year and how much our bill is this year for space.  But can't get easily a historical picture, because (oh, did I mention) our CFO recently passed away suddenly and we are still in the process of replacing him.

So, I really want our new director to be prepared for any questions that the campus provost might throw at him, and would be grateful for any considerations that anyone can think of.

Thanks much,

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