NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding & Grants Administration, April 11-12 in Lansing, Michigan Terry May 05 Feb 2002 13:04 EST

Michigan State University is pleased to have the opportunity to host one of
the two semiannual NIH Regional Seminars on Program Funding and Grants
Administration scheduled for this spring and summer.  This will be held in
Lansing - Michigan's capital - on Thursday & Friday, April 11-12, 2002.  The
Regional Seminars are sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, Office
of Extramural Research and were offered first in 1979 to demystify the
application and review process, highlight current topics of special interest
or concern to biomedical researchers, describe selected broad funding
priorities, explain new developments in Federal regulations and policies,
and provide time for individual discussions in a relaxed setting.

The seminars support the NIH mission of providing education and training for
the next generation of biomedical and behavioral scientists as well as
helping more experienced researchers and research administrators remain
current with new developments.  The seminars are appropriate for new
researchers, experienced clinicians and academicians broadly who plan to
expand their research foci to include biomedicine and health studies, grants
and departmental administrators, and graduate students.

We have worked closely with NIH to offer programs of interest to all -
please visit the program web site at [] for
complete information, but we are pleased to note that Dr. Yvonne Maddox, NIH
Deputy Director, will present the keynote address on "Eliminating Health
Disparities" as well as hosting an open session for follow-up questions
about health disparities funding programs and other topics of interest.  The
full program and list of NIH faculty that will be present and be available
for you to meet is available at

Participants will receive detailed materials for all sessions; not just the
sessions attended.  This two-day event offers a variety of speakers, topics,
breakout sessions, and discussion opportunities to meet the needs of all
participants. Please see the agenda for full detail of the seminar schedule.

We invite you to register via the web site listed above, as soon as
possible - space is limited.  We look forward to seeing everyone in April.

Terry A. May, Ph.D.
Director of Research Development
524 S. Kedzie
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI  48824-1032
 517/353-1768 Office/voice mail
 517/432-9555 Fax

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 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
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