New Years Resolutions for Proposal Writers and Researchers Glenn Krell 20 Dec 2001 19:59 EST

Hi Resadmr's,
Puff piece for you. Feel free to modify and use in your newsletters etc.
Happy New Year and Happy Holidays everyone!
-Glenn Krell

Ten New Years Resolutions for Proposal Writers and Researchers

1.  I will contact the funding agency's program officer for advice before
writing and submitting a proposal.  If I'm unsure about this, I will query
the (insert name and phone number of sponsored programs office).

2.  I will follow the "____ day rule" and submit my proposal to the
sponsored programs office ___ days before it's due at the sponsor.

3.  I will use a spell checker on my proposal; moreover, I will read it
through myself to see if there are any "woods" I didn't mean to use that
the spell checker didn't catch.

4.  I will have a second pair of eyes look at my proposal: perhaps a
colleague, chair, or mentor.

5.  I will attend a Proposal Development Workshop if I haven't done so.

6.  I will make use of our Community of Science subscription (or insert
name of other service as applicable) to get funding opportunities sent to
me directly via email.

7.  I will thoroughly read proposal guidelines issued by the funder and
will familiarize myself with things like page limits, fonts, margins, and
all the other niceties that will help me get my proposal written well
before deadline.

8.  If my proposal is rejected, I will make sure to get copies of the
proposal reviewers' comments so I can learn from them for the next proposal.

9.  I will submit agency reports on time for my funded grants, so that my
program, my fellow researchers, and my institution are not jeopardized by
my actions.

10. I will practice using NSF FastLane--prior to actually needing it for
proposal submission--by using the demonstration site at

-by Glenn Krell CRA
Director, Research Proposal Development
Illinois Institute of Technology

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