[Fwd: Payment of Stipends] Susan B. Burke 13 Dec 2001 12:29 EST

Susan B. Burke
Sponsored Research Information Specialist
Office of Research Services
The George Washington University
2121 I Street NW, Suite 601
Washington, DC 20052
Telephone: 202/994-9136
Facsimile:  202/994-9137

Payment of Stipends Susan B. Burke 12 Dec 2001 14:29 EST

The question has been raised here as to whether stipends (when allowable
and appropriate) should be paid through the payroll system or through
accounts payable.  I'd like to know how it is done elsewhere...and, if
paid through accounts payable, is the income reported to the IRS?

You may reply to me directly (xxxxxx@gwu.edu)....

Thanks for your help.


Susan B. Burke
Sponsored Research Information Specialist
Office of Research Services
The George Washington University
2121 I Street NW, Suite 601
Washington, DC 20052
Telephone: 202/994-9136
Facsimile:  202/994-9137