Survey on institutional matching funds William Campbell 24 Sep 2001 10:22 EST

In August, I circulated through the RESADM-L list a questionnaire asking about centralized institutional funds for matches.  This all started a year or so ago, when I began arguing to my central administration that we need a centralized, standing fund from which we can draw matching funds for grants.  Like all institutions, we promise to provide required matching funds on grant proposals; like many, we have to scramble for the matching money when we receive the award.  The chancellor asked, 'what do other institutions do?'  In order to find out, I sent around a simple survey.  SRA organizers thought it was an interesting question and asked Michael Owen and I to present on the topic in Vancouver.  We recruited Linda Freed and Marge Piechowski to add their experiences; we're scheduled to talk about matching funds on Tuesday morning of the SRA conference.

In August, I sent around a more detailed survey.  I'm afraid I sent it too early, while many of us were still away or otherwise occupied.  In any case, I received only 8 responses.  The attached Excel spreadsheet summarizes the responses I received, FYI.

I also attach the survey in MS Word format.  If you did not respond the last time around, I hope you will this time.  I'll incorporate your response into the spreadsheet before SRA.  Please email it back to me (remember, if you just hit reply on this list, it goes to everyone).  Fill it out in Word and attach it to an email if you like, or cut and paste it into the body of a post.  I'll use the data however it arrives.  If I receive a significant number of changes, I'll post an updated compilation after SRA.

Also, if this topic interests you, please come to the session in Vancouver and speak up.

Regards, Bill

Bill Campbell
Director, Grants & Research
University of Wisconsin-River Falls