Re: Who can be a PI? Herbert B. Chermside 19 Sep 2001 16:03 EST

At VCU any individual may apply as a PI (in the meaning "director of the
proposed project") if the chair and the dean (academic management) feel
that he or she is qualified.  Thus a few part time individuals have brought
in enough soft funding to become full time, and some post docs have made
that the big step to professional status.

To serve as PI in the sense of being the individual responsible for the
administration of the project, i.e., the fiduciary responsibility of
managing the funds entrusted to the institution, must be an
employee.  Hence the recipient of a fellowship award is not the
"responsible person"; her mentor is.


At 12:47 PM 9/19/01 -0400, you wrote:
>What policies do different universities have about who can be a PI?  I'm
>specifically interested in the issue of part-time faculty and post-docs and
>their eligibility.
>Thanks for your responses.
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Herbert B. Chermside, CRA
Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
Virginia Commonwealth University
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