Re: curious Fastlane question Borchers, Julia 05 Sep 2001 14:29 EST

We keep a hard copy of every proposal submitted.

Julia G. Borchers
Grants & Contract Specialist
Marshall University Research Corporation
Phone: (304) 696-2468
Fax: (304) 696-4747

"Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live."
 - Goethe

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martha M. Taylor [SMTP:xxxxxx@AUBURN.EDU]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 2:15 PM
> To:   xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
> Subject:      [RESADM-L] curious Fastlane question
> I am curious to know how many central OSP offices print out for review
> and/or retention a hard copy of the proposals submitted through the
> fastlane system.  If you do, why?  If you don't, how do you manage your
> files?  Especially when other sponsors do not have electronic versions.
> Thanks.
> ******************************************
> Martha M. Taylor, Director
> Office of Sponsored Programs
> 310 Samford Hall
> Auburn University, AL 36849-5131
> 334-844-4438
> 334-844-5953 (fax)
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