Re: NSF Sub to UK University? Ruth Tallman 16 Aug 2001 10:59 EST


In my experience, NSF doesn't want to "dictate" how universities comply with
GC-1 or any other regulation.  They just want you to work it out.  I can't
remember what the details were, but I had a sticky situation and NSF said -
"work it out!".  So, my advice to you is, ask the UK institution to do whatever
you need to meet the regs without bowling them over with references to the
regs.  In other words, unless it is an extremely complicated budget, ask for
invoices that give a detailed breakdown of the charges.  They won't want to
learn what an A-133 audit is, but if you have adequtate detail on their
expenditures, you can audit yourself.  Require that they keep all documentation
for three years beyond the termination date and that the documentation is
provided upon request.  Pray there are no human subjects or animals.  If there
are, give them a copy of the regs and ask for documentation of their standards.

Hopefully it's simple.  If they have equipment use charges, employee benefit
charges, or an indirect cost charge, you may have your work cut out for you.

Good luck!

Ruth Tallman
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Lehigh University
526 Brodhead Avenue
Bethlehem, PA  18015
Phone:   (610)758-3024
FAX:    (610)758-5994

xxxxxx@CCMAIL.NEVADA.EDU wrote:

> We had a faculty member with 2 NSF grants transfer to an institution in the
> UK... NSF approved subcontracting a substantial portion of both grants so
> she could continue her research, and the approval letter stated that "Such
> contractual arrangements should contain appropriate provisions consistent
> with the Articles 7.a.3 and 8 of GC-1 or Section 5 of the FDP III General
> Terms & Conditions"...
> I am quite certain that our colleagues in the UK may have an objection or
> two to the required flowdowns in GC-1, and requests for guidance from NSF
> have so far been unanswered...
> So here's the question... Has anyone done a subcontract with a university
> in the UK that has passed muster with NSF CG1-wise?  If so, I would be
> exceedingly grateful if you could share it and/or your experiences with
> me....
> Thanks, Bill
> *********************************************
> William E. Schulze, EdD
> Director of Sponsored Programs
> Box 451037
> University of Nevada, Las Vegas
> Las Vegas, NV 89154-1037
> Ph. (702)895-1357
> Fax (702)895-4242
> *********************************************
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