Re: new NIH forms Doris Oravec 12 Jul 2001 12:23 EST
Here is the web address for information on Adobe volume licensing
programs for educational institutions. The appropriate program probably
depends on the size of your institution and the need for Adobe products
on your campus. Your centralized computing/software people would
probably want to get involved with this type of acquisition.


"Herbert B. Chermside" wrote:
> As the research university community  moves to more completely electronic
> proposal preparation and submission, the capacity to complete, save, and
> revise .PDF files will (forms and documents) will be increasingly
> necessary, probably as necessary as a word processor program is today --
> remember when everyone used typewriters?  .PDF is the de facto standard for
> "packaging" information to be available in a platform independent
> manner.  I believe that in very few years, every PI will need a .PDF
> creating program.  As we migrate in that direction, having the program
> available for each department of other work group can be a first step.
> We'll just have to consider the cost of .PDF creating programs (Adobe
> Acrobat is the only reliable one I know of) part of the normal cost of
> equipping an individual to be a P.I., if not today, tomorrow.
> Anyone aware of site licences for Adobe Acrobat?
> Chuck