Maintaining Copies of Proposals Carol Brodie 22 May 2001 14:22 EST

Sally's response brings up a question for me - how long do you keep proposals?  We have them for 7 years back, and I'm getting ready to purge them again and want to keep only 3 years of proposals.

What is everyone else doing?

Carol Brodie
Office of Sponsored Programs
University of the Pacific
Stockton, CA  95211

>>> xxxxxx@MAIL.UND.NODAK.EDU 05/22 11:50 AM >>>
We are also a state institution and subject to an open records act, but proposals in my opinion (and our general counsel agrees) are DRAFT documents and not subject to the act.  If the proposal is funded, then the final document is put into the file of record (or the draft document becomes a final document) and then is subject to requests.  We do not keep proposals in our files beyond a year, unless the proposal is still being considered.   I feel strongly and make it a habit of clearly delineating records (subject to open records) vs non-records (not subject).

Sally Eckert-Tilotta, Ph.D., Interim Director

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