Basic Science Faculty Benchmarks Mary Ann Jurgus 11 Sep 2000 13:36 EST

I've been asked to forward this question to the list -- if you wish you can send your response to me or directly to Dr. John A. Robinson, Assoc. Dean for Research at

Do any Schools have a concise definition of Research intensive basic science faculty....what benchmarks they have to meet, for example what type and amount of yearly grant funding and how much grant salary is expected per year...need as soon a possible

Thank you for your assistance

Mary Ann Jurgus
Research Services Office
Compliance Division
Loyola Universtiy @ Medical Center
2160 S. First Ave. - Bldg. 120/400
Maywood, IL. 60153-3304
P: 708-216-4288
F: 708-216-5881

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