Gifts or Grants Teleconference Time Clarification Landen, Marcia 16 Aug 2000 16:07 EST

You may have received a postcard about the SRA/CASE/PricewaterhouseCoopers
teleconference, "Gifts, Grants or Whatever?", coming up on September 14. The
time of the teleconference is noon to 3 p.m. EDT, not EST. For those of you
who are time-zone challenged, or live in a time-zone challenged state (like
I do), that makes a big difference. Don't want you joining us an hour too

If you have not yet signed up to participate, you still can! Go to

If you have any questions, please call the SRA office at 703-741-0140.

Marcia Landen
SRA Secretary

Director, Sponsored Program Development
Bryan Hall, Room 1
Indiana University
107 S. Indiana Ave.
Bloomington, IN 47405-7000
812-855-0516 (voice)
812-855-9943 (fax)

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