Re: How Do You Handle Residual Funds? Johnnie Stokes 11 Jul 2000 12:33 EST

At the University of Arkansas on fixed-price agreements, after all the
financial and program obligations have been met, I authorize a transfer of
the residual funds to the departmental "research incentive fund" for use in
support of the department's research needs.  Usually, the PI get's the
lion's share.  Budgeted  F/A is not removed.  If the residual is 10% or
less, I just sign off on the transfer.  If the balance is greater than 10%,
I investigate to determine if the appropriate costs were charged to the
cost center and/or if cost and pricing is an issue.

At 03:45 PM 7/10/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>I would be interested in knowing how those of you involved in the
>management of industry-sponsored clinical trials handle any funds
>remaining AFTER all of the work is completed, i.e., after the company has
>accepted all deliverables required in the contract, and all of the bills
>are paid.   Do you leave the residual funds in the same account that was
>established to support the work of the clinical trial, or move them to
>another account?  Do you place restrictions on the use of the residual
>funds?  At the end of the trial, do you consider any residual funds to be
>completely dissociated from the original contract and thus available for
>expenditure for any research-related activity, assuming that no contract
>clauses survive the contract which might obviate this option?  What if
>your investigator wanted to utilize residual funds to finance a
>collaborative research agreement with another entity for basic research,
>would you be comfortable with it?
>Doug Wilkerson, Ph.D.              Phone:   (419) 383-4252
>Assoc. V.P. For Research          Fax:   (419) 383-4252
>Professor of Pharmacology         E-mail:
>Research & Grants Admin.          Web:
>Block Health Sci. Bldg., Rm. 148
>3035 Arlington Ave.
>Toledo, OH 43614-5804
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John K. Stokes                                 Voice:      501-575-3845
Director                                            Fax:         501-575-3846
Research and Sponsored Programs
 and Technology Licensing
120 Ozark Hall
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR  72701


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