easier PIN to PW procedure BOB 16 May 2000 14:08 EST

Hi Joe,
Thanks for the reply.  The problem is that our faculty are attempting to
enter a PI function and are being told they need a password.  So they are
calling our NSF liaison person for a password.  He _can_ assign them a

However, on the front page of FastLane there is a place for the users to
change their own password but it is pretty obscure for such an important
action.  I wonder why this is not in large type at the top of the page.
Also, there could be a link on the page that says "You need a password" to
the password entry procedure so faculty will know to do it themselves.
Even a link in the Q&A page to the actual change page would be good.  This
is a major activity, a perfect opportunity for hyper-linking all over the
place :)

Our office does not want to do all the changes but if the faculty and other
users do not find the place in FastLane to make their own change, we will
keep getting calls.  I'd be happy to preempt everyone by giving them a
standard password (their PIN plus some constant).  We will not keep records
of the passwords.

Maybe the best way to implement the whole thing is to put up a "pre-front
page" to the FastLane entry page, that opens when users go to FastLane,
with a big note to users to give themselves a password and a link to the
password entry page.  The NSF is the leader among electonic proposal
submission systems so they will come up with a better way once the problems
are pointed out.

This whole procedure is important, and needed, and should be made easy for
everyone to do. We are looking forward to the paperless CAREER proposals
and a totally paperless and secure process in the future.  This conversion
is just a little hump in the larger picture of ERA things, but one that
should be easy.


--On Tue, May 16, 2000 10:51 AM -0700 Joe Titone <xxxxxx@RCF-FS.USC.EDU>

> At 01:46 PM 5/16/2000 -0400, you wrote:

> I may not understand the procedure correctly, but it appears NSF does not
> want the SRO to know the PI's password.  Accordingly, we are not doing
> anything to convert PIN's to passwords.  For new signups, I will be
> issuing the same password each time and advising the PI to change it
> immediately.
> Joe Titone
> Dept. of Contracts and Grants
> Univ. of Southern California
> xxxxxx@mizar.usc.edu
> 213 740-6069
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