Re: USDA ARS awards - Expanded Authority? Gregory K. Schmidt 24 Apr 2000 13:52 EST


ARS and expanded authority don't go together.  ARS and the year 1812 go
nicely, however.  If there's a way to complicate the issue, they'll figure
it out.

All their terms and conditions are in the award document.  The only
circulars they reference are A21/110/133.

"Tania H. Clucas" wrote:

> Help!
> I have a couple of expanded authority questions on ARS awards.
> Conveniently, no one on our campus seems to have the provisions, and I
> need to learn some things before the copies of the provisions I have
> requested from USDA get here.
> Would we have expanded authority on ARS awards? Where would I find the
> reference under the circulars and/or CFR to back it up or tell me no
> way?
> I've been cruising the circulars trying to figure this out, and have
> decided that I need to do another thorough read through of the
> circulars. I learn something new every time. But I haven't answered my
> question, though I learned some other useful things.
> Therefore - I turn to you, o wise and knowledgeable list members.
> Thank you,
> Tania Clucas
> --
>        Accountability and accounting are not the same thing
> Tania Clucas                    
> Account Tech                                     Voice 907.474.6736
> School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences           Fax   907.474.7204
> University of Alaska Fairbanks
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Gregory K. Schmidt
Assistant Controller
Florida A&M University
201 FHAC
Tallahassee, FL  32307

850.561.2956 voice
850.561.2461 fax

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world;
the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the
world to himself.  Therefore, all progress depends
on the unreasonable man."

 George Bernard Shaw

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