Re: FW: Adobe 4.0 question Joe Titone 10 Apr 2000 10:54 EST

Here is how USC handles distribution of Adobe software.  I just received
this from ISD management:
(bmr = basic microcomputer resource and if you subscribe to it you get your
software as I described .

>Does USC have a site license for the Adobe products provided through bmr?
>If not how do we pay for this software?
>The Research Administrators' listserv is surveying universities for this

no... we buy concurrent use licenses and use a product called
keyserver from sassafras software to restrict access to those that
pay us and to ensure no more than X number are in use at any time.
Adobe charges a slight (25%) premium for concurrent use licenses (vs.
single user).

Joe Titone
Dept. of Contracts and Grants
Univ. of Southern California
213 740-6069

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