Re: Adobe 4.0 question David Battey 07 Apr 2000 15:58 EST

Rosemary (and listserv),
I stand corrected.  The text typed in filling out an application is NOT
saved in Reader but is saved in the Adobe Acrobat program (and
plugin).   I'm spoiled, having Acrobat installed, and hadn't used Reader
in a while.

What a design flaw!

What I meant by a "Central" machine is this:
Many departments had rather buy a single copy of Acrobat and install it
on an administrative assistant's PC or another accessible PC in a
department office.  Each PI, having only the free Reader installed on
their own PCs, would have to bring (or send) a document to that
particular PC and create the PDF there.  But they would have access to
the Acrobat software.
This is an alternative that will save $$$$ where a department's PIs
might only need to make a PDF file once or twice a year.  Just an idea

See ya, next week - the forms on Tram/ look great!

[:)] Dave

David S. Battey
Information & Technology Coordinator
Office of Research and Grants Administration
College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, 29424
Voice: (843)953-5673      Fax: (843)953-6577

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