Re: Work for Hire Contracts Gregory K. Schmidt 21 Feb 2000 11:50 EST

The State of Florida hires what we call Other Personal Service (aka Other
Peasant Service, or Other Personal Servants).  I think the state runs on their
backs.  We don't provide them any benefits aside from Workmens Comp/Unemployment
Comp and they accrue no leave time or seniority.

Essentially, they perform all the same functions that regular employees do
except for making process decisions and work assignments.  It's kind of like
being a squire.  You have the ear of the lord, but he has to direct you to do
something.  Hopefully it's what you were whispering in his/her ear.

In terms of research... .  At FAMU they don't do any, although they will work on
research projects.  They cannot be named PI.  They are frequently utilized as
research associates, adjunct faculty, etc.  In all cases subserviant to a PI or
some other person in charge.

Hope this helps...

Greg Schmidt

Bill Covington wrote:

> I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has experience in handling
> contracts that are essentially "work-for-hire". As a state institution, we
> are instructed that we do not contract for work-for-hire. I would like to
> hear how other institutions manage this issue. Also, if you could share with
> me the reasons you give for not signing work-for-hire contracts, it would be
> helpful.
> Thanks in advance for the info.
> Bill Covington
> Associate VP for Research
> Southwest Texas State University
> San Marcos, Texas 78666
> 512 245-2314
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