Re: wild bird research Ann McGuigan 17 Jan 2000 13:17 EST

Permits for working with wild animals are made to individuals, so you will not
need an institutional permit for that activity. However, you will need your
IACUC to review protocols for research with wild animals.  The NIH guide
specifically refers to field studies and our USDA inspector was very interested
in our protocol for collecting wild birds.  Catching wild birds may involve
netting which can cause harm to birds if not monitored properly.  Also, your
IACUC policy will impact how you review protocols for off-campus research.
Many schools have active protocols for research with wild birds.  We reviewed a
new protocol for this type of activity a couple of years ago and had substantial
comments from a number of professional organizations during the review process.
I'd be glad to discuss how we handle these issues.
Ann McGuigan

Gina Lee Glauser wrote:
> Thanks in advance for your speedy assistance.
> A visiting reseach assistant professor (2 yr. contract) would like to
> submit a research proposal to NIH.  In order for him to study a wild
> bird behavior, he would like to capture, mark, and release these
> wild bird.  He personally has a federal permit to carry out capturing,
> marking and releasing of wild animal.
> PROBLEM:  Our insititution does not have a license to work with
> any animals.  If the PI doesn't perform capturing, marking, and
> releasing activities and has his own federal permit, is the institution
> clear?  Or, what do we need to do to protect the welfare of animal
> as well as to perform the research?
> What do we need (or approval) for the same professor to perform a
> similar task via previous arrangement in Costa Rica?
> gina
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Ann T. McGuigan, Ph.D.
University Research Coordinator
University Research Office, Illinois State University
Campus Box 3040, Normal, IL 61790-3040

tel: (309) 438-2528    fax: (309) 438-7912

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
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