Re: Building/Space Cost Share Greg Schmidt 07 Jan 2000 10:47 EST


What she said.  This is very tenuous ground.  The Fed would love for you to
cost share a building because it takes it out of your numerator when you
calculate your rate, and you don't get it back.  If you do a use charge
(generally used after the building is fully depreciated), that comes out,
too.  If you do use the building, do depreciation only because it's easier
to work with, and you don't run into these complications.

All said and done, it's much easier to stick to salaries, wages, materials &
services, travel and equipment.  Even I can determine that!

Greg Schmidt

-----Original Message-----
From: Ruth Tallman <xxxxxx@LEHIGH.EDU>
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG <xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG>
Date: Friday, January 07, 2000 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: Building/Space Cost Share

>This is a tricky one because renovations and lab space are normally not
>allowable as cost-sharing.  I would read the guidelines carefully and then
>sure that any funds used as cost-share are directly attributable to the
>proposal.  For instance, if it is a research proposal, the renovations
>be space that will be dedicated to research.  If half the building will be
>classrooms and half will be research lab space, you would have to be able
>pinpoint the costs for the research side only.
>Good luck!
>Ruth Tallman
>Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
>Lehigh University
>526 Brodhead Avenue
>Bethlehem, PA  18015
>Phone:   (610)758-3024
>FAX:    (610)758-5994
>> A PI at my institution is applying for a grant that requires 30% cost
>> and he is interested in using building/lab space to fulfill this
>> requirement.  I realize that space is usually taken into account in an
>> institution's F&A costs.  However, my institution recently purchased the
>> building and it was not part of our F&A negotiations. (FYI-our indirect
>> cost rate is based on salaries and wages)
>> Can we (or should we) show the building (or a portion of it) as cost
>> in our proposal?  Any feedback you can provide would be most helpful.
>> Thanks!
>> Angie Lopez
>> ******************************************
>> Grant Support Specialist
>> Research and Sponsored Programs
>> Stephen F. Austin State University
>> PO Box 13024 SFA Station
>> Nacogdoches, TX 75962
>> voice:  (409) 468-5842
>> fax:    (409) 468-1251
>> e-mail:
>> ********************************************
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